On Thursday, November 21, from 5:30 to 7:30pm there will be a wine and cheese poster reception in which the authors are invited to stay by the poster to discuss results of their paper among peers/delegates. We encourage attendance of all participants. However, this is not mandatory
All approved papers will be displayed in POSTER format. The scientific committee will select the best abstracts for oral presentation, in addition to the poster format.
The presenter will make a brief presentation of no more than 3 minutes (visual abstract for 1-2 slides).
Approved papers consisting in the description of an approved or registered protocol or project will be exhibited in poster format, but will not be considered for oral presentation
They should be brought to the meeting printed and ready to be displayed.
Each abstract has one person listed as the presenter and that person must be registered for and attend the meeting.
At the event, we suggest you go to the accreditation area or directly to the Auditorium 1. In both areas, the secretariat staff will assist you in hanging your poster.
Each poster display should be 120cm width x 90cm height, mounted horizontally. All poster material should be confined to the space provided.
Posters must be hang from 7.30am to 1pm on Thursday 21 November
The presenter is responsible for the proper assembly, mounting and presentation of the poster. The presenter should be available to discuss the content of their poster with participants during poster session times. Thursday, November 21, from 5:30 to 7:30p
Posters must be removed on Friday, November 22, from 4 to 5:30 p.m. The poster board surface is rigid so double-faced tape can be used to mount the poster.
The room designated for their assembly is the AUDITORIUM 1